
The master thesis

The master thesis will be the written presentation of a personal theoretical and/or experimental research. The preparation of the thesis will be conducted under the direction of a supervisor, whom the student will choose among the professors of the master program. The thesis will have to be of a certain length, and should not be less than 100 pages. A second professor will play the role of co-supervisor. The thesis will be defended in front of a committee. The state of advancement in the elaboration of the master thesis will be verified in the course of its preparation in a dedicated research seminar, specifically planned in the timetable of the program. If the presentation at the research seminar will be approved by the professors of the master program, the candidate will be attributed the planned cfu. The thesis will be attributed 18 cfu. The final grade will be attributed on the basis of the average obtained by the student in the exams, calculated over 110. It will be possible to raise the average following the criteria established by the department for an original piece of work of high scientific quality, to which it will also be possible to attribute the mention cum laude.